The Prayer Option

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Saturday, January 15, 2011 Under: Meditations

This is the question indeed. To pray, or not to pray? Sometimes the question isn’t even asked. I constrain myself, however, from writing or saying to much on this subject today. No doubt, many have had enough of me already this year. So, short and pithy I will be.

As I was preparing my Sunday sermon in Daniel 2, I was arrested by a thought which shot through my mind, and will, henceforth, find itself in yours. It is a question of prayer, and of praying. There are some things we choose to do or say, but there are other things upon which our life depends. There are some things we may do without, while others are of necessity. But prayer... what of it?

“Is prayer an option we sometimes choose, or is it a decision as simple as food?”

In : Meditations 

Tags: prayer  food  necessity  dependence upon god 
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